'chimerical stories'
Caterpillar. Chrysalis. Butterfly. Each word immediately understood as part of a three-part process of metamorphosis, this story we know. It is also the story of many, from the aquatic, for instance the jellyfish who experiences not one, but no less than six vibrantly diverse stages during their life-cycles. Yet, commonly these are transformative states that we have no associative image of, they are stories untold.
These works form a speculative mapping through creating mutating chimera that attempt to map the limits of our knowledge by infusing a familiar story with an essential “jellyfishness” as its most commonly associated. The caterpillar, a gelatinous beginning. The ghostly traces of the metamorphic vessel, the chrysalis. The emergent finale, the vividly iconic butterfly as an airy, ethereal figure.
None of these chimera come close to the jellyfish. We know nothing more of these soft, shifting others. They are but tales who quietly ask us to carefully enquire deeper, below the waves. To spend time in those deep depths. To gaze and listen long enough to learn the stories of those who live lives as alien to us as we are to them.
This bespoke series of artworks consists of 513 unique, chimera specimens in both still and animated form that crossbreed the alien jellyfish-esque with the familiar life-cycle of the butterfly.
2022 IPFS Camp Gallery (PT) (link)
developmental stage : Ethereal
colour : Rangoon Green
mutation degree : 50%
depth : Bathypelagic
chance of encounter : Rare
developmental stage : Engulfed
colour : Elephant
mutation degree : 85%
depth : Epipelagic
chance of encounter : Very Rare
developmental stage : Expanded
colour : Ebony
mutation degree : 75%
depth : Bathypelagic
chance of encounter : Abundant
developmental stage : Ethereal
colour : Night Rider
mutation degree : 25%
depth : Hadalpelagic
chance of encounter : Rare
developmental stage : Engulfed
colour : Finn
mutation degree : 95%
depth : Mesopelagic
chance of encounter : Very Rare
developmental stage : Expanded
colour : Gulf Blue
mutation degree : 50%
depth : Mesopelagic
chance of encounter : Abundant
developmental stage : Ethereal
colour : Black Bean
mutation degree : 75%
depth : Abyssalpelagic
chance of encounter : Rare
developmental stage : Engulfed
colour : St Tropaz
mutation degree : 75%
depth : Mesopelagic
chance of encounter : Very Rare
developmental stage : Expanded
colour : Matisse
mutation degree : 50%
depth : Epipelagic
chance of encounter : Abundant
These works were created using generative adverserial networks, or GANs, wherein the the higher layers of one neural networks model were blended with the lower layers of a second neural network, effectively crossbreeding the latent spaces of two distinct species and habitats.
These crossbred models were then explored with custom code to extract the genetic-like traits that express certain qualities such as form, color, coherence, habitat and more. The interaction of these traits were then manipulated to generate the specimens that make up 'chimerical stories' so that each individual still/video is a crystallisation of a unique blend of traits and layers within the blended, aquatic latent space.