Photos by Michael Hull, courtesy of Times Square Arts
Photos by Mike Bink, Kunsthall KAde
above: Documentation of showing at EP7 Paris
Feileacan McCormick (Technical Production Design)
Stefano Rosso (AI engineer)
Alan Ixba (Technical Assistant)
Alejandro Mune (Music artist)
Devi Parikh (Director FAIR)
Songwei Ge (Research Intern)
Larry Zitnick (Research Scientist)
Sasha Sheng (Software Engineer)
Vedanuj Goswami (Software Engineer)
Xinran Yuan (Curator)
Kristen Leung (Partnerships)
Anna Bruemmer (Communications)
Maggie Azary (Social Media)
Sun Helen Isdahl Kalvenes (Exhibition Designer)
Rafael Flores (Partnerships)
Nick White (Media Partnerships)